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Opioid overdose ER visits in Pennsylvania increase 81 percent, CDC says

Opioid overdose-related emergency department visits increased by 81 percent in Pennsylvania during a 14-month period that ended in September, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The information was released Tuesday in a report from the agency, according to a news release.

Pennsylvania was among four states where overdose-related emergency department visits increased by 50 percent or more, according to the data. The other states were Wisconsin, Illinois, and Delaware.

In 16 states that reported a percent change nationwide, emergency department visits for an opioid overdose increased by 30 percent, the agency reported. The CDC collects the data through its Enhanced State Opioid Overdose Surveillance Program.Data from July 2016 to September 2017 was analyzed in the report.Such hospital visits in five states, including Kentucky and West Virginia, decreased slightly, the agency reported.

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