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About Us

About Clear Day Treatment Center

Clear Day Treatment Center is located in Greensburg Pennsylvania and is available to assist you or your loved one. At Clear Day Treatment Center, our goal is to treat and stabilize individuals who suffer with the disease of addiction. Upon completion, all individuals are provided a sustainable continuing care plan that may include Medically Assisted Treatment.

Your experience here will be much different than previous attempts at treatment. Clear Day Treatment Center specializes in Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Reality Therapy, and Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET),

Our facility will admit individuals who are on Suboxone or Methadone regardless of the dose. This sets us apart from traditional programs that are drug free, including free from use of drugs like Vivitrol, Suboxone and Methadone to manage desire and use of illegal drugs. Clear Day Treatment Center is open to the use of Medically Assisted Treatment (“MAT”) for the purposes of stabilizing the patient and increasing his/her concentration on their treatment program.

We accept Medicaid patients to our facility from twenty-six counties in Pennsylvania, and are in-contract with several health plans, including Highmark, UPMC, United Healthcare and Magellan.

As a team, we evaluate and then encourage you to follow through with the next recommended and most appropriate level of care. We believe that individuals are responsible for their behavior. By changing thinking and examining your lifestyle, you will be able to change your feelings and behaviors. However, the choices and the responsibilities that accompany the choices you make are yours.

Recovery from
addiction implies the
development of a
lifestyle that is
conducive to societal


Recovery means accepting your addiction
as a primary disorder
and following treatment

You will be expected to accept feedback
about your thinking and behavior with an


Click here to view our 2023 annual report

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Call Us Now: (724)834-7000

1037 Compass Circle, Suites 101 and 103
Greensburg, PA 15601



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